Stress Relief

sunset4Are you experiencing anxiety? Do you yearn for more human connection and touch? Have the stresses of life become overwhelming?

The isolation and uncertainty of these times often leave us in great need of comforting, and calming care.

It is my passion to tend to these needs to calm the system and embrace you with care.  Using gentle yet firm, nurturing massage.  Allowing you to unwind, let go and sink into “the zone,” and experience a profound release of body, mind and soul.

I use an integrated blend of modalities customized to your needs and preferences:

Swedish massage: to provide caring touch to soothe and calm the nervous system and gently coax muscles to release their tension.

Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release:  if you desire a firmer pressure, and to target specific areas of tension and holding.

I also draw from:  Cranio-sacral, Trager, Lomi Lomi and Reiki among many modalities.

I call this work “Intentional Massage” to reflect my intention to be deeply grounded in presence, fully listening and attentive, holding space for you and honoring your session as sacred.  And being an open vessel for the energy of love to flow through my touch to your being.  I invite you to let go to your deeper self.

